The fascinating world of deep sea creatures...

Wednesday, 9 December 2009

The Leafy/Weedy Sea Dragon

These little creatures are honestly the prettiest sea horses I have ever come across. Most sea horses are sweet, but these are just adorable. They are almost identical to the dragons in Chinese Folklore.


This is the Leafy Sea Dragon
and this... the Weedy Sea Dragon
These two species are closely related to each other and they both come under the Syngnathidae
family, which includes Sea-horses. These beautiful little creatures are extremely threatened by a number of factors.
  1. Collectors - people want to add these beautiful 'dragons' to their showcases
  2. When these sea-dragons are born they can't swim very fast which therefore means that predators can easily catch them and they'll make a tasty lunch. 
  3. They are also susceptible to storms as they are unable to curl their tales and hang on to coral. They are often found washed up on the beaches of Australia. They are usually found in waters 50 meters deep.
Australia? Yes, the Weedy/Leafy Sea Dragon is found along the coasts of Australia. They feed on plankton, small fish and shrimp.

To learn more about the beautiful Weedy Sea Dragon, visit: 

Watch the video! It's awesome!!